Category Archives: Theology

On Turning 30: Appreciating Providence

Time has caught up with me, and today is the first day of my fourth decade on this earth. I won’t bore you with all of the accomplishments that I have achieved over the course of my lifetime, for not … Continue reading

Child Rearing, Family, Theology

2 Peter 3:9 – God’s patience toward believers

In my last post, I introduced the topic of God’s patience as mentioned in 2 Peter 3:9. I also mentioned that this is a highly debated verse, having two sides that cannot see eye to eye regarding who it is … Continue reading


2 Peter 3:9 – God’s patience toward [?]

Patience is one of the many characteristics of God. If it were not so, then God would have vaporized us long ago. In fact, He probably wouldn’t have created us. In life, we observe that humanity is saturated with sin. … Continue reading


Christ in the Old Testament: Sisera’s Crushed Skull

It is natural in the Evangelical world to either not read the Old Testament or read in it a manner that casts a cover of irrelevance over its content. Many claim that it doesn’t apply to Christians and therefore has … Continue reading


Name it and claim it! Wait, that’s not biblical!

The “word-faith” movement is a heresy that has plagued the evangelical world for the past hundred years or so, but has become especially pervasive with the advent of the modern televangelists and mega-churches. Its central tenants are in direct conflict … Continue reading

Apologetics, Theology